UPON HUMANS Conceived by Daria Faïn
UPON HUMANS is a multifaceted project by The Commons Choir that includes auditory and somatic performance and educational components.
As an archeology of the Kassandra myth, UPON HUMANS utilizes the Faïn/Kocik Prosodic Body voice and movement methodology to unwind the curse of denial, giving renewed significance to contemporary prophetesses. Confronting the disregard of the warning signs from those with scientific and intuitive foresight, this project proposes ways to restore the relationship between our miraculous yet fragile interdependence with the planet.
Creating UPON HUMANS is conceived as a performance practice that activates dynamic awareness with elemental forces from the season’s element correlations. These public events are called SEED BOMBS.
SEED BOMBS is an emergent program articulating the larger, durational project UPON HUMANS. Designed as an event series, SEED BOMBS will introduce the overall project and explore its broad themes.
SEED BOMBS # 2 July 13th at 8:15 PM
Conceived by Daria Faïn and collaboratively created with performers Samantha Lysaght and Luther Bangert.
WHERE: La Plaza Cultural Garden (SW corner of 9th & Ave C)
DONATION: Sliding scale from $10 (cash or Venmo: @racheldaria-fain-1)
Samantha Lysaght and Luther Bergert in SEED BOMBS #
SEED BOMBS # 1 April 21, 7:15 PM
Conceived by Daria Faïn, co-directed by Robert Kocik, and created collaboratively with Samantha Lysaght and Luther Bangert
Dear Audience,
Thank you for attending SEED BOMBS #1 at The Lung Festival..
This performance was part of a series of SEED BOMBS, an emergent program articulating the larger, durational project UPON HUMANS. Designed as an event series, SEED BOMBS will introduce the overall project and explore its broad themes.
This was a precious moment in developing UPON HUMANS, the larger context in which SEED BOMBS manifest. This combination of performers and the material presented probably won’t happen again.
You probably received seeds distributed to extend our work into the Earth if you were there.
Instruction in how to sow are below.
How to sow:
Dark Star Zucchini:
Start indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost or sow outdoors after last frost. Sow 2-3 more times at monthly intervals for fruit all season. Zucchini tolerates moderate soil fertility and dry conditions. Plants grow to 3' high and 3' across. Harvest fruits often at young stage for best eating and highest yields. Bush habit.
Seeds’ Description: Off White flat oval
Tokyo Market Turnip:
Direct sow outdoors, and cover with row cover if flea beetles are an issue in your garden. Harvest when roots are 2" in diameter. Succession sow all season long.
Seeds’ Description: Small darl round
Detroit Dark Red Beet:
Succession sow anytime from 1-2 weeks before last spring frost through 8-10 weeks before first fall frost. Beets prefer fertile, weed-free soil for formation of large roots. Thin young seedlings to one every two inches, then pull out every other beet to enjoy at the baby stage. Leave later sowings in ground for harvest through November, then pick and store in plastic bags in fridge, where they'll last in great shape for months.’
Seeds’ Description: brown medium size irregular texture
NOTE: The term SEED BOMBS is in homage to the original Guerilla Gardens, where, in the 1970s, mainly women threw seed bombs over abandoned fences and lots.
Please stay in touch by registering for our newsletter: daria fain
If you are able, you can donate to the project HERE
Thank you so much to those who contributed to the project.
You can also contribute HERE and on the project page.
Here are the expenses you can contribute to:
Explosive clay balls, $10 each x 20 balls = $200
3 Juggling torches + fuel $52 * 3 + $39 + Metal bucket $9 = $204
Luther's travel expenses from Philadelphia = $150
Rehearsal fee for Samantha’s prior rehearsals = $1000
Rehearsal fees: 9h * 2 performers * $25/h = $165
Admin fee 7 hours a week * 3 weeks * $25 = $525
Conception and Directors fee $2000
TOTAL: $4244