Robert is a poet, architect and economic-justice activist. He has studied poetics at the New College in San Francisco and engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique IBOIS in Lausanne, Switzerland. He has apprenticed with Japanese and the Compagnons du Devoir, a traditional French wood-framers guild. With the choreographer Daria Fain he has developed an experiential science known as The Prosodic Body. With Fain he co-directs The Commons Choir. In the current climate of the privatization-of-everything (POE) his architectural works propose countervailing 'missing social services'. He is currently developing a building based on prosody and poets' imagined relevance to society. His essays comprise a nascent field called SOS (Sore, Oversensitive Sciences). His publications include: Overcoming Fitness (Autonomedia, 2001), and Rhrurbarb (Field Books, 2007), E-V-E-RY-O-N-E (Yo-Yo Labs). His poetry and writings have appeared in the journals Acts, Object, Crayon, Action Poetique, The New Coast, and Ecopoetics, among many others. His latest book SUPPLE SCIENCE was published in 2013 by CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE.